<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="7,313,22,329" HREF="!From the blending vat, the mixture goes into a pasteurizer, where rapid heating and cooling destroy harmful bacteria. The mixture then moves into a homogenizer, which breaks up particles of fat and thus helps smoothen the product.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="206,312,222,328" HREF="!Cooling takes place in a cooler before the mixture goes into a storage tank. The product stays in the tank for a few hours until it becomes somewhat firm. It then moves into a flavor vat, where coloring and flavoring are added.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="420,312,436,329" HREF="!In a freezer, rotating blades force air into the ice cream. This action freezes the product. Fruits and nuts may be added in a feeder tank, and then the ice cream is packaged. The finished product goes into a storage freezer, where it hardens.">
Ice cream consists chiefly of cream, milk, sugar, and water. Ingredients called <I>emulsifiers</I> and <I>stabilizers</I> hold the mixture together. All the ingredients of ice cream are carefully blended together in a large vat at the beginning of the manufacturing process.<NP>
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